Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd


Our pupils entered the Dragons' den to fight for a chance to enter the National  competition  of Enterprise  Troupers !  They were all incredible at presenting and answering  questions from the Dragons. Pupils were very nervous but made us proud!
Congratulations  to Choco Rocks who were chosen for their clear  and engaging presentation  with lots of detail regarding  their budget.
Thank you  to our Dragons for helping  us out and like we said to the pupils today, they are all winners ! !

Christmas at Coedpenmaen

We are oozing with pride today! Our pupils have shone throughout  their performances and projects. From the nursery  and  reception nativity, biscuit project stall, sensory project room to the fantastic  performances  by our pupils in last night's  concert .  Thank you for your  support; the smiles seen on our pupils' faces says it all!


11th December 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
Christmas Celebrations   -   Thanks to the PTA who organised our Christmas Fayre.   Thanks also to everyone who supported the Fayre on 28th November - it was a huge success!  Santa was kept busy throughout the evening and there were many opportunities to buy items of Christmas Craft and for the children to take part in Christmas activities.  The school is working with the PTA to identify areas of development which can be supported by the fundraising.  Our inaugural ‘Craft Fair’ for Willow, Oak and Beech classes was also a huge success.  Thanks to everyone who supported the children in this venture!  The children raised over £200 in total!
The children have been very busy rehearsing for our Christmas celebrations.  The Nursery and Reception nativity on Wednesday and Thursday was lovely and the children excelled!  As most of you will be aware, the incoming storm has forced us to change our plans over the last few days for our ‘Community and Carols’ celebrations.  All those families in Years 1 – 6 will have had a text message to explain the options with regard to tickets for Thursday’s celebration and the newly arranged second event on Monday 15th December.  I apologise for any difficulties this may cause, but our original festive event has become a victim of the ‘gales’ which have been forecast!
Year 6   -   I am sure that many parents/carers are aware that Mr Holloway has been successful in his application for a deputy headship in a school in Caerphilly.  We wish Mr Holloway every success in his promotion.  The school has appointed Mr C Munday, who will be teaching the Year 6 class.  He is an experienced Year 6 teacher and will join the school’s management team.  Subject to RCT’s Human Resources processes, Mr Munday will be starting with us in January.  He will also be visiting the school before Christmas to meet the children and staff.  I am sure we will all extend a warm welcome to Mr Munday as a new member of our school team.
Swimming   -   Swimming for Beech and Oak classes begins after Christmas.  Please note: this is from the very first Monday when we return to school after the Christmas break.
New Governor   -   Thank you for the votes cast in the most recent ballot for parent governor.  Congratulations to Mr Steven Hall, the successful candidate.
Reminder: Please note the message below from RCT
To enable young people to have the opportunity to fully engage in the LA’s work with Microsoft, the local authority has secured free access to the latest Microsoft Office package - Microsoft Office 2013 for use at home.
A voucher is available from school as well as a document which tells you how to access the software on a home computer.  Please contact the school and we will be able to email a code and instructions to you.
Attendance   -   As you can see above, the school is below our attendance target, as set by the local authority.  You will be aware that, despite making improvements, the school remains in the Estyn Inspection category of ‘requiring significant improvement’ of which ‘continuing to improve attendance’ remains a key issue.  As a result, parents/carers are reminded to call the school to report non-attendance (e.g. illness).  All holidays MUST be advised.  From January 2015, as previously advised, the school will comply with Local Authority advice that holiday requests will be unauthorised.   Fixed Penalty Notices, issued by the local authority, form part of the updated policy.
9th December                          1.30pm Nurs and Rec - rehearsal – Yr1 & 2 Coedpenmaen & Trallwn Infants to watch
10th December                        1.30pm Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert
11th December                        1.30pm Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert
                                                 6.00pm  Community and Carols - Year 1 to Year 6 with the Brass band
15th December                        1.30pm – Community and Carols – Year 1 to Year 6
16th December                        Year 2 and staff to visit Trallwn Infants school
18th December                        Foundation Phase – Magician (am)  Visit from Santa (pm)
                                                 KS2 – ‘Christmas Tales’ – Christmas activities with our visiting storyteller
19th December                        Last day of term before Christmas holiday.
5th January 2015                     School starts back for children on the Monday
9th January 2014                     Oak, Willow and Beech -Art exhibition and workshops at National Museum of Wales
12th January                            Parents’ evening for Hazel class
13th January                            Parents’ evening for Hazel class
10th February                          Safer Internet Day
                                                 PC Rob Thomas – Year 6 ‘Cyber Safe’
13th February                          World Book Day
16th – 20th February                Half Term
23rd February                          INSET day – no school for children
24rd – 27th February                Welsh Week
27th February                          School Eisteddfod
4th March                                PC Rob Thomas – Year 4 “T.A.S.K.”
23rd – 27th March                    Maths and Science week
24th March                              (am) Trallwn Yr 2 visit Coedpenmaen – working with Coedpenmaen staff & pupils
27th March                              Last day before the Easter break
Thanks     Mrs Loveridge