Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd

Internet safety

Key Stage 2 pupils have had two Internet Safety assemblies this week. Please support us in protecting your children by having a discussion about keeping safe online. There are resources on our Moodle page and HWB.
Key Points:
-Use clip art as profile pictures
-Always set up privacy settings and only accept people you know and are kind to you.
- Never judge yourself based on the amount of followers or 'likes' you have.
 - Always use kind words.
-Don't be mean behind the screen!

I'm setting up an internet 'Worry Box' if any child needs advice or support.

- If phones are brought into school, they must go to the office and collected at the end of the day.

Thank you for your support!
Mrs Pugh


21st June 2016
Dear Parent / Carer

The children in Key Stage 2 are working extremely hard at school in preparation of our performance of “Pirates of the Curry Bean”.

As last year, our school hall is too small to include all the children in a production of this size and to invite families to watch.  We are, therefore, grateful to Hawthorn High School who are allowing us to use their theatre at the school where the children will have the opportunity to perform on a ‘real’ stage with stage lighting and provide ample provision for parents’/family parking. 

As the children will need a chance to practice at the high school to become familiar with the stage direction, we have arranged for the juniors to go to the High School for the day on Monday 18th July.   The buses will leave school just after 9.00am and return in time for the end of the school day.  The children will need a packed lunch, drinks and snacks for the day as they will not be able to access the canteen facilities at the school.  They will also need to wear school uniform.

The children are really looking forward to the opportunities this presents and we all look forward to seeing you at the performances on the 18th and 19th July to share in the excitement.  Tickets will be available at £2 each.  Letters will be sent when they are available.
The school would like to record the performances as a record of the hard work the children have put in, and as a celebration of the performance, which I am sure will be fantastic.  You will be aware that our school policy was updated prior to the Christmas Concerts and as a result, the following will apply:
·         The school will record the event and make this available to families
·         families will be allowed to take photos/videos during the concerts - these images are for your personal use only
·         any families recording the performances to remain considerate to others not to block their view etc. and find an unobtrusive space in the hall. 
·         NO IMAGES TO BE SHARED ONLINE unless of your own child, alone – not including other children whose families may not wish their images shared. 
·         The school may share a small number of images on their website/blog/twitter account – but at all times pupils will not be named and only those images of pupils who have parental permission will be used.
·         If any concerns are raised with the school, the Head Teacher will assess them and make the final decision on whether families will be allowed to record the event
·         Any family who has a concern with regard to their child being included in images/video of the performance, we ask that you contact the school by Friday July 8th at the latest

Year 5 have also been invited to take part in a ‘cluster’ performance of a ‘Disney Showcase’.  This will be on 12th July, again at Hawthorn High. The children will be transported to Hawthorn High for 2pm and will need to stay at the school in readiness for the show at 5pm. I believe more information will be made available from Hawthorn in the next few days.
Over the last few weeks, we have unfortunately had children accessing the school yard and field out of school hours.  The pupils have been reminded that they are not allowed on school premises after school hours.  Your support in also sharing this with your children would be much appreciated.   We have also had a few incidents of older children causing damage to school property.  In all incidences of this, the police have been informed.  Again, if you see any children on school property who should not be there, I would be grateful if you could let me know.
It has come to my attention that parents have been informed of a transition event at Pontypridd High School on 7th July.  It appears that this has been added on to the events the school is running, although they didn’t let us know at school.  However, this clashes with our Leavers Assembly.  I have been in touch with staff at the High School and we now plan to collect the children from Pontypridd High at 12.00 (with lunch back at Coedpenmaen), instead of them returning to school at 2pm.  We will then be able to ensure the children benefit from the transition event and ensure our Leavers Assembly can go ahead as planned.
Please take care with small children when walking through our staff car park. 

It is as important over the next few weeks as always for the children to be in school every day.  Please remember that if you are planning on going on holiday that there are ‘Absence Request’ forms to be completed.  Details of our Attendance Policy have been shared previously, with the full policy available on our Moodle.  (
As always, we need your help with our attendance target!  Our school attendance is now only 94.5%.  As you are aware, this is below our target of 95.3% - we cannot meet this target without your continued support. 
New classes from September 2016
Following a review of pupil numbers, it will again be necessary to have a number of ‘mixed classes’ from September.  This is normal practice in primary schools.  Class lists are currently being finalised, and parents will be informed of their child’s next class within the next 2 weeks.  Classes and their teachers are planned to be as below.  Please note that changes may occur throughout the coming weeks.
Year groups
Oak Class
Mrs Deverill
Year 6
Willow Class
Mrs Pugh
Year 5/6
Beech Class
Ms Green/Miss Jones
Year 4/5
Sycamore Class
Mr Munday
Year 4
Hazel class
Miss Grba
Year 3
Ash Class
Mr Carter
Year 3/2
Cherry Class
Mrs Cannon
Year 2/1
Maple Class
Miss Bailey
Mrs Davies/Mrs Probert
Part time Nurs
Holly Class
Mrs Maher/Mrs Vukashin
Year 3/4/5/6

I am aware that mixed classes can cause concern for some parents.  However, all pupils are taught to their stage of development, regardless of their age, whilst teachers continue to challenge them throughout their time with us at Coedpenmaen.  We teach a skills based curriculum as demanded by Welsh Government and recently approved by Estyn, so whilst similar age children may cover different ‘topics’, they will be taught the same skills across the academic year.
Especially important to note is the Year 3/2 class split.  Year 3 children in this class will access the same break times/assembly/lunchtimes as other Year 3 children.  They will also be included in Junior school activities (e.g. Junior Christmas celebrations, Summer performances etc.)  As they will be completing work in a different ’topic’, they may occasionally access a different ‘class’ trip related to the topic being studied.  This is also the case for our Reception/Year 1 class.
Year 2 parents are reminded of the meeting on Thursday 23rd at 5pm, where Trallwn parents will also attend.  This will allow parents to meet the class teachers and discuss any concerns they may have prior to the move to the change from Foundation Phase to Key Stage 2.
We hope to have our sports’ day for the children before the end of term.  However, we have a very busy diary with children regularly out of school on a range of different visits and activities.  And of course, we need to rely on the typically welsh weather!    We will let you know when this could be as soon as possible.
Mrs J Loveridge


14th June 2016

Dear Parent / Carer
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel this week’s sports day due to the typically Welsh weather.  We apologise for any inconvenience this caused and aim to run Sports Day in the next few weeks, depending again on the weather and other commitments already in the school diary.  We will let you know about this as soon as possible.  We’ll all be keeping our fingers crossed!

As an alternative, we plan to allow the children to watch the Wales v England football match as part of the European championships being played on Thursday 16th June.  Kick-off is at 2 o’clock.  Any children who do not wish to watch the game will be able to choose from other activities.  No child will be made to watch the game if they are not interested.

As the game will not finish until after the end of the school day, any children who are watching will be welcome to finish supporting their team up to the final whistle.  Parents can join us in the hall, if they wish, from 3.20pm to watch the end of the match.
School will finish for all other pupils at the usual time.


Mrs J Loveridge


6th June 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
Welcome back to school after what has been a beautifully sunny half term break!
10th June                   QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY – school ‘street party’
13th June                   Years 5 and 6 to Oakwood Park
14th June                   Sports Day – KS2 (am) – FP (pm)
15th June                   Governing Body ‘Open Day’ – Governors visiting to see work of the school
15th June                   all Year 6 – It’s Your Choice
16th June                   Pandemonium Theatre Performance
17th June                   All Year 6 – School Nurse – ‘Growing Up’
20th – 24th June      Year 6 – Pontypridd High School Transition
22nd June                  Beech class Parents’ Meetings
23rd June                   School used as Polling Station – European Referendum – school will remain open.
23rd June                   5.00pm – meeting with Coedpenmaen and Trallwn Year 2 parents re: transition
23rd June                   Beech class Parents’ Meetings
24th June                   Year 5 and Year 6 GIRLS - School Nurse
24th June                   5.00pm - PTA – BBQ – Great British BBQ !
1st July                        Hawthorn High School – Year 5 visit Day
1st July                        Hawthorn High School Transition Disco
5th July                       Hawthorn High School - Year 6 –transition day “Healthy Body, Healthy Minds”
5th July                       School transition morning – including new children due from Trallwn
7th July                       2pm - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
8th July                       Bronze Ambassadors USW Sports Park  (TBC)
11th July                     All Year 2 – Trallwn and Coedpenmaen – picnic and team games on the field
12th July                     All Year 5 pupils to HHS
12th July                     All Year 5 taking part in ‘Disney Showcase show at 5pm at Hawthorn High School
13th July                     Year 6 Prom – arranged by Sadie’s Mum.
14th July                     Sycamore, Holly and Hazel classes to Southerdown
14th July                     Year 6 Curriculum Day – Hawthorn High School transition – plus parents’ evening at HHS.
14th July                     Year 2 Leavers’ Assembly – 2pm (TBC)
15th July                     Yr5 to Hawthorn High for visit and activities
18th and 19th July    Coedpenmaen’s Key Stage 2 - Summer Performance–Pirates of the Curry Bean
19th July                     Reports due to parents
20th July                     Last day of term.
All this in just over 6 weeks! 
**Summer trips for Ash, Cherry, Maple and Acorn will be confirmed soon**

It appears that some parents do not seem to have had notification of some upcoming events.   Some key dates for this term have been included in newsletters since April 2016.  If you have not been receiving the letters from school, please check in the office to ensure we hold up to date email addresses.  If you do not have newsletters emailed to you, all other letters are sent from school by ‘pupil post’.

It is as important over the next few weeks as always for the children to be in school every day.  Please remember that if you are planning on going on holiday that there are ‘Absence Request’ forms to be completed.  Details of our Attendance Policy have been shared previously, with the full policy available on our Moodle.  (
As always, we need your help with our attendance target!  Our school attendance is now only 94.5%.  As you are aware, this is below our target of 95.3% - we cannot meet this target without your continued support. 

There are a number of visits set for Year 5 to visit Hawthorn High.  Please note that these days are for all pupils, regardless of which school you choose for your child at the end of Year 6.  This is a usual school day, and all pupils will be expected to attend.

New classes from September 2016
Following a review of pupil numbers, it will again be necessary to have ‘mixed classes’ from September.  This is normal practice in primary schools.  Class lists are currently being finalised, and parents will be informed of their child’s next class and teacher within the next 2 weeks. 

Many thanks to our fantastic PTA.  The recent cake day raised £165.05, the Easter Disco £264.82 and the Christmas DVD sales £280.  Much of this money has been donated to support our developing garden and resources for each class across the school.  Thanks for all their hard work!  Don’t forget, volunteers will be gratefully received for the ‘Great British BBQ’.

Our Value for this half term is Responsibility.  The children will be encouraged to consider that whilst they have ‘rights’, these rights are shared by everyone and we have a responsibility to ensure each person has access to the same rights as themselves.

The Welsh Government tests have now been completed.  You will receive the results with your child’s report at the end of Summer.  Please remember: these tests only give a ‘snapshot’ of your child’s attainment at school in reading and Mathematics.  Remember to celebrate ALL your child’s skills – we are all wonderfully different!

School Uniform.  Parents are reminded that the school is very proud of our school uniform and encourage the children to wear this uniform every day.  If you require uniform with the school emblem embroidered, this is available from Footprint Promotional Products Ltd (previously know as Merlin Sports).  Claim a 10% reduction by quoting the code FBFPPL2016.

Please bring your dinner money in an envelope each Monday.  Local Authority auditors monitor this – we are not permitted to allow families to build up a ‘debt’ of dinner money.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, children MUST maintain the same arrangements for lunch throughout the week.  This ensures that the kitchen orders the correct amount of food as well as helps office staff with the accurate administration of dinner money. 

Microsoft Office Code - We still have Microsoft Office codes available if you wish to use this free offer.  Just send your email address to school and we can forward the details to you.

As usual, if you have any concerns, please pop into school where I will be happy to discuss any concerns you have.

I hope to see as many of you as possible over the coming weeks
Please note: Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September will be INSET days.  Term will start back in September on Monday 5th September.

Mrs Loveridge