Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd

Easter fun!

Thank you to the PTA for organising the paper bag fund raiser. We have raised over £150. Diolch to everyone who participated. 

Penblwydd hapus Mr Gardener!!!

Happy 60th birthday to our wonderful  caretaker who always goes above and beyond in everything he does!

Newsletter - 26th March 2015

26th March 2015
This term has, again, been choc-a-bloc full of activity for the children!

Willow Class visited Temple Baptist to find out about Easter, whilst Foundation Phase shared their Mothers’ Day gifts in a special celebration held at school.  There were many tears shed when the children were sharing their ‘I love my Mam’ writing!!  Our Welsh Week was extremely successful, especially in chairing our very first ‘Bard of the Eisteddfod’.  Our Science Week certainly caused a ‘buzz’ around the school – the children have had a wide range of experiences, from visiting scientists delivering assemblies and workshops, representatives from the University of South Wales, Techniquest as school, ‘STEM’ ambassadors and, of course, lots of science in class.  We even experienced the Solar Eclipse! Children in Key Stage 2 also benefitted from visiting Pontypridd Museum, where they created their own ‘Magical Creatures’ from K’nex. 

Sycamore Class
As you are aware, Mr Carter has been unwell throughout most of this half term.  Despite our best efforts, we were not able to secure consistent supply cover.  Over the last two weeks, the class has been covered by Miss Papworth-Morgan who has ensured the children’s learning continues well  – as well as working on reading and spelling tests.  We all wish Mr Carter a speedy recovery.

Parents’ Evening
Parents’ Evening was a little different this year, with all staff being available in the hall.  This has appeared to work well, with a positive atmosphere throughout the two evenings.  There was a fantastic turnout, and it was lovely to see so many of you taking such an interest in your child’s education.  Thank you also for completing the questionnaires – the responses can be seen on the reverse of this letter.

Dinner Money
Please note: the cost of school lunches will be increasing to £2.40 per lunch after Easter.  This needs to be paid to the school either through the electronic systems or by sending the money in on each Monday morning.  It is essential that this is paid on time each week.

Attendance and 100% Days
I am thrilled to report that there has been a marked increase in the number of children achieving 100% attendance over the term since Christmas.   In December, 43 children received this recognition – this has increased to 108 children this term.  Many thanks to families for supporting us in working towards the challenging targets set by the local Authority.

Well done to all the children in Ash class (100% attendance winners again!)– and again, thanks to all families for supporting this.  Look out for our next 100% days after Easter!!!

School Photographer
Unfortunately the photographer’s camera did not work properly on Thursday!!  We are awaiting a new date and will let you know as soon as possible,
Consideration of our Neighbours
You may have noticed that the PCSO and traffic enforcement officers have been monitoring parking outside the school, both at the back of the school, and at the front.   This is as a result of comments from our neighbours, as well as concerns raised by parents.  The gates at the front of the school are locked at 8.30 am to ensure safety for children attending school for 9.00am.  Please ensure you park carefully and consider the safety of children at all times. 
 27th Mar              last day before Easter Break – please ensure your children attend right up to the last day

13th April              Children return to school on the Monday

16th April               Theatre Group at school

22nd April               PC Thomas – “I didn’t think” – Yr5

4th May                  No school – Bank Holiday

6-7th May               Estyn Revisit

6th May                  PC Thomas–“Who, What, where”? - Yr2

7th May                  Election Day – school will remain open

22nd May                Last Day before half term

1st June                   INSET Day

2nd June                 Children return after half term

16th June               6pm - Meeting for new Year 3 parents

17th June               Year 6 – 13 children – cycling proficiency

17th June               PC Thomas – “It’s your choice” – Yr 6

24th June               Year 6 – 13 children – cycling proficiency

22-25th June         Transition for pupils moving to Ponty High

29th June                                RCT Music festival

1st and 2nd July      “Lion King” performed by KS2–at Hawthorn High School

3rd July                    Provisional date for PTA BBQ

9th July                    Provisional date for Sports’ Day

17th July                 Last Day of term.

**Welsh Government tests for Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be between 5th May and 12th May 2015.  Please avoid any absences during this time*
Remember to check out our Moodle and Blog to keep up to date with activities in school.

Nursery Provision
At this time, RCT is planning on introducing part time provision for Nursery pupils (mornings from the term following their 3rd birthday), and then full time at the beginning of the term following their 4th birthday.   Please note that I believe there is a legal challenge being introduced by some parents’ groups – I will keep you as up-to-date with this process as I am able.

We still have a number of Microsoft Office codes available for those families who wish to use this free offer.  Just send your email address to school and we can forward the details to you.

I hope you all have an enjoyable Easter break, and we look forward to seeing the children back in school on the 13th April 2015.  Remember to check out our Moodle and Blog to find out our winners of Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week as well as keep up-to-date with school activities.


Mrs Loveridge

The Eclipse 2015

An incredible experience for  all. We had 2 students from the University of Wales ' s astronomy department to talk to the children about the eclipse. We acquired 40 glasses from the lovely people at Dark Sky Wales, which meant that every child in our school experienced the eclipse. There was an incredible buzz in the school: something they'll remember!

Red Nose Day Fun!

Thank you all for wearing your red noses and bringing in donations!

Mother's day tea party

A wonderful afternoon! The children sang songs and read out why they love their Mams.    All children have made picture frames, a beautiful African card and have written about their Mams. They presented these then shared cakes, tea and squash!

100% Attendance Days

Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you for supporting our most recent 100% day – the winning classes were
Oak, Hazel and Ash.
Our next challenge will be on:
Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th March.

This is the last 2 days before the Easter break and is a significant challenge!!  Please help as much as you can.
Each class that has 100% attendance for these 2 days will have a special Friday afternoon treat!
We have noted that attendance on Fridays is lower than all other days of the week.  This is a pattern that we, at school, as well as you as parents need to be aware of.  Fridays are an extremely important part of our week where much of the learning throughout the whole week is brought together.  Please help us encourage this need to attend school every day in your children.
Please note: if your child is genuinely ill, they should not attend school.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Loveridge

Red Nose Day

9th March 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
You may be aware that Comic Relief / Red Nose Day this year is on Friday 13th.
Whilst we are not ‘doing’ Red Nose Day as a whole school activity, we are happy if you wish your child to participate by wearing red clothes / red nose etc.
If you wish to send a donation, we will be happy to send it on to the charity on your behalf

Newsletter - 6th March 2015

6th March 2015

The first two weeks back after half term have been so busy!

We began with our Welsh Week / Wythnos Cymraeg and had a wonderful celebration with our Eisteddfod on Friday.  The children’s entries to the competitions were fantastic and our very first ‘bard’ was chaired.  Check out our Blog for pictures!

This week we have had a number of school trips, including a lovely visit to St Fagan’s for Holly class as well as a visit to Pontypridd Museum.  We were also thrilled to send a team to Coleg y Cymoedd for the Enterprise Troopers competition.  They did themselves proud and had a great day.  Our thanks go to Tesco Tony for supporting us with so much enthusiasm throughout the competition.

Our celebration of World Book Day has been the highlight of the week.  The children looked amazing in their costumes yesterday.  They all also thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share their reading with other children across the school.  The children should have come home with the World Book day tokens.  Thank you for supporting us with this.   

Sycamore Class
Some of you may be aware that Mr Carter is unwell at the moment.  Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to secure consistent supply cover this week.  I apologise for this, but am pleased to say that we have been able to ensure the children will receive consistent teaching staff next week. The class will be covered Miss Woodyatt.  We all wish Mr Carter a speedy recovery.

The pupils have displayed a love of books and reading since the improvements to our school library and our other literacy based activities. The Cardiff Children's Festival of Literature offers lots of talks and workshops by the authors and illustrators of a range of books such as 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid', 'horrible histories,' and so on.  Ash and Cherry class will be taking advantage of a school session when they visit the author of 'Giraffe Can't Dance.'

This festival runs in the Easter holidays. Perfect for keeping the children busy!

Consideration of our Neighbours
I have received reports from our neighbours who live very close to the school that a number of parents have been quite unpleasant to them.  Please note that these families need continued access to their properties and are also concerned about the safety of their own families – whether they are young children or elderly relatives.  I am particularly concerned that some parents have spoken in anger to these neighbours and ask that we all remember to be calm when talking to others.  

Wow!  This week 3 classes have achieved 100% status for Thursday and Friday!  Well done to all the children in Ash, Hazel and Oak classes – and thank you to all parents for supporting this.  Our next 100% days will be on 26th and 27th March – the last 2 days of term!!!  Quite a challenge – but hopefully one we can meet together! 

12th Mar                                               Sycamore Class to St Fagan’s

16th–20th Mar                     Maths and Science Week

17th Mar                                               Parents’ Evening

18th Mar                               Willow Class to “Easter Cracked”      (Temple Baptist)

18th Mar                                               Parents’ Evening

24th Mar                                               Trallwn Yr2 visit Coedpenmaen (am)

Year 1/2 to Literary Festival in Cardiff (pm)

                                                Hazel Class to St Fagan’s

26th Mar                               ‘Faces’ photography – class photographs – please send your child to school in uniform.

27th Mar                               last day before Easter Break – please ensure your children attend right up to the last day

13th April                              Children return to school after Easter Break

**Welsh Government tests for Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be between 5th May and 12th May 2015.  Please avoid any absences during this time**
Remember to check out our Moodle and Blog to keep up to date with activities in school.

Well done to our winners of Seren yr Wythnos / Star of the Week.  Check on the Moodle to find out who has won!

Over the next few days you will receive your invitation to our Parents’ Evenings where you will have an opportunity to discuss the progress your chid is making.  During the evening, there will be a questionnaire for you to fill out where you are able to share your views of the school.  Also during these evenings, our attendance and wellbeing officer will be in attendance – she will be asking to see all those parents of children whose attendance is below 90%. 

We still have a number of Microsoft Office codes available for those families who wish to use this free offer.  Just send your email address to school and we can forward the details to you.

It appears that there has again been a legal challenge to the changes to Nursery provision which have been planned by the Local Authority.  We have received very limited information from the Council with regard to this and, as previously advised, I will endeavour to keep families as up-to-date as possible.  Unfortunately, I have no further information at this time.

It continues to be an absolute pleasure to work with you all as parents, and of course with the children

Mrs Loveridge

World book day

Another fabulous day at Coedpenmaen. The children looked fantastic and the buddy reading was a huge hit!