Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd


11th July 2016

Last week we were treated to the Year 6 Leavers’ assembly, where the children shared all their skills, memories and dreams for the future.  Unfortunately, I was not able to be at the actual assembly, but caught bits of the rehearsal and the whole assembly for the school on Friday afternoon.   What a privilege it has been to have been a part of the children’s school lives – they are all a credit to you all and we will be sorry to see them move onto their new schools!

We will also be treated to a Year 2 assembly on Thursday 14th at 2pm.  This assembly marks the end of the children’s  time in the ‘infants’ or Foundation Phase and just before they start to make many new friends as we are joined by pupils from Trallwng Infants in Year 3.   Parents are invited to the assembly and to share a cup of tea!

The children all had the opportunity to meet their new class teachers last week.  They enjoyed the session and everyone is now looking forward to the new term in September.   Please note, that whilst we work hard to keep these classes as they are, in some circumstances changes may occur throughout the Summer, as the local authority may introduce new admissions to the school during the holidays.  I would endeavour to let parents know as soon as possible should any changes need to be made … although I would work to avoid this wherever possible.

SCHOOL REPORTS - will be sent to parents on Tues 19th July.  The report will also include a piece of work from the children, the Welsh Government Test results for pupils in Years 2-6, and end of phase results for pupils in Year 2 and Year 6.    There will also be a parents’ response section if you wanted to fill it in and return to school.  All comments received are considered whenever possible.

STAFF CAR PARK  - Please take care with small children when walking through our staff car park.  Some staff who arrive at work when the children are accessing the school grounds are concerned that children could be at risk, especially when they need to reverse their cars.   It is advised that the car park is only used for families who have prams and that the steps access is used wherever possible to avoid walking through the car park.  Thanks.

Please remember that if you are planning on going on holiday that there are ‘Absence Request’ forms to be completed.  Details of our Attendance Policy have been shared previously, with the full policy available on our Moodle.   (  Fixed Penalty Notices are part of our school’s policy. 

As always, we need your help with our attendance target!  Congratulations to Ash class (AGAIN!!) for the best attendance last week!  However, our school attendance is still only 94.5%.  As you are aware, this is below our target of 95.3% - we cannot meet this target without your continued support.    As we did last year, pupils with 100% attendance will receive a prize at the end of term.  We look forward to giving these prizes out over the next few days.

11th July                 Ash & Cherry class – school trip
12th July                 Yr5 pupils to HHS (pm) preparation for ‘Disney Showcase’.  Performance at 5pm.
13th July                 All Year 2 – Trallwn and Coedpenmaen – picnic and team games on the field
13th July                 Yr6 Prom–arranged by Sadie’s Mum.
14th July                 Sycamore, Holly and Hazel classes to Southerdown
14th July                 Yr6 Curriculum Day – Hawthorn High transition – plus parents’ evening at HHS.
14th July                 Yr2 Assembly – 2pm (parents invited)
14th July                (am) Ash class to Tesco – Food for Fuel
15th July                 Yr5 to Hawthorn High visit and activities
18th July                Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to Hawthorn High School for final rehearsals of Pirates of the Curry Bean - Please provide a packed lunch and plenty to drink.
18th & 19th July     Coedpenmaen’s Key Stage 2 - Summer Performance–Pirates of the Curry Bean ***tickets now on sale.
19th July                 Reports due to parents
20th July                 Last day of term
A reminder that there will be 2 INSET days on 1st and 2nd September – with the children returning to school on Monday 5th September
We also have an INSET Day booked in for January 13th 2017
Sports Day - As you are aware, we needed to cancel sports day due to the weather.  We haven’t forgotten his, but the weather has continued to be very poor and make it difficult to use the field with the ground wet.  We have also had a very busy diary, with very few days where the whole school is in, due to school trips and visitors to the school.   As a result, we hope to take the children out to the field for their sports, should the weather allow this.  Alternatively, we may plan sports’ day for early in the Autumn Term as the weather is often quite good at that time of year. 

This has been such a busy year at Coedpenmaen – and there are already a number of exciting things lined up for the Autumn Term!  Look out for the newsletters in the new term – and I will also be adding dates to the calendar on Moodle.  We wish all the children who are moving to pastures new in the Autumn lots of luck in their futures (and to the parents who may have come to the end of their time coming back and fore to Coedpenmaen!)

Have a fantastic, safe and hopefully sunny Summer break and we look forward to seeing you in the Autumn term.


Mrs J Loveridge