Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd

December Newsletter

December 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
After a very busy term, we find ourselves hurtling towards Christmas!  I’m sure that if you follow us on Twitter, you will have seen a number of activities many of the children have been taking part in over the last few weeks, from visits to Cardiff Castle, Birds of Prey at school, the panto, visiting Santa and seeing the premiere of Star Wars!

We have also been treated to wonderful performances / services from children across the whole school. The fantastic Glee Choir have also entertained the people of Pontypridd (where we raised a total of £240 for Bobath Cymru – thanks very much – and to Mr Carter for leading Glee Choir!).  Thanks also to all families who have helped with trips

Microsoft Office Code - If Santa is delivering any new computers to your homes this Christmas, don’t forget that we have a number of updated Microsoft Office codes available for those families who wish to use this free offer.  Just send your email address to school and we can forward the details to you.

Please check on the Calendar on Moodle for updates to the school diary.
4th Jan 2016            INSET day – school closed for
5th Jan                     Children return to school
6th Jan                     New Nursery children start school
19th Jan                   PC Rob – All Yr 2 – Right or Wrong
9th Feb                     Safer Internet Day – Look out for activities throughout the week – including parents’ workshops.
12th Feb                   Proposed INSET Day
15th -19th Feb          Half Term
22nd Feb                  Children return following Half Term
23rd Feb                   Year 4 – PC Rob – T.A.S.K.
1st March                School Eisteddfod
16th March              Parents’ Evening
17th March              Parents Evening
17th March              Class and team photographs
24th March              THURSDAY – Last day of Term
25th March              Good Friday (beginning of Easter Break)
11th April                 Children return to school.

WG Test dates  - The Welsh Government Tests for all pupils in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are 3rd - 10th May 2016.  Please avoid taking any absences during this time.

Attendance - This term we are absolutely thrilled that we have rewarded 66 children for 100% attendance.  This is the highest amount for an Autumn Term ever!  Spring term usually gives us the highest amount of 100% attendance pupils, so we will hopefully see this increase too.  Children with the very best attendance also received a special award in the Summer Term.

We are currently at 95.2% for our whole school attendance.  This is slightly below our target set by the Local Authority.  You will all be aware that attendance is a core feature of the school’s Inspection process.  The school has previously had recommendations to improve attendance, and as such I ask for your continued support in sending your child to school as often as possible. 
Well done to Sycamore and Oak classes who won the best class attendance of the term, and Holly, Ash and Sycamore who had the most number of children who achieved 100%.
Please note: if your child is genuinely ill, they should not attend school - it remains the responsibility of parents to inform the school on the first day of absence if a child is not well enough to attend

Christmas Fayre - Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA’s Christmas Fayre.   It was great to see so many families queuing to meet Santa, making Christmas decorations, taking lucky dips for toys and enjoying sweets and cakes as a special treat!  We raised £769 in total with the Fayre and the Christmas Raffle.  This will add to the funds as the PTA save towards providing the school with microphones and speakers for our concerts!

Parents evening was a fantastic success – 93% of parents attended.  If you did not manage to make the evening to see your child’s teacher, please make an appointment in the Spring Term.  A second Parents’ Evening will also be arranged for the end of the Spring Term.

Following the amazing amount of responses from parents and Governors with regard to our approach to teaching and learning about ‘Values’, we have learnt about Respect and Peace this term  Next term, the children will be learning about truthfulness.  Year 3 have also worked with our artist Rhiannon Roberts to help create the beautiful mural in the hall.

Please send ALL your old Christmas Cards to school when the children return.  We are taking part in a RCT competition to try to get the most Christmas Cards recycled!  Ask the children to bring in cards from the WHOLE family!!

Please bring your dinner money in an envelope each Monday.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we also ask that your child maintains the same arrangements for lunch throughout the week.  This helps the accurate administration of dinner money.
Please also bring any money for trips, music lessons etc. in an envelope marked with your child’s name, class and purpose of the money.
Please note: all meals must be paid for. If you have any difficulties with payment please speak to staff in the office.

We have many, many coats, cardigans jumpers etc. which have remained unclaimed at school.  None of these have names on them.  Please, please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on their clothing so that we can make sure they are returned to their rightful owners! 

It just remains for me to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas.  We will see you all again on Tuesday 5th January 2016.