Caring, learning and achieving together - Gofalu, dysgu a chyflawnu gyda'n gilydd


We will be celebrating World book day on Thursday 3rd March this year. Our Comic Club are in charge of planning the day and have already presented their ideas to the whole school. They have also organised tasks for each class which have been voted by the children.
The theme is:  COMIC STRIPS - your child/children may dress up (if they wish) as a comic strip character or any other book character. If possible, could they bring the book or comic that matches their outfit.
The purpose of this day is to encourage a love of reading and the world of books. Teachers will be planning lots of fun book related activities and may even dress up themselves!
 I’ll hand you over to Comic Club to announce their competition. Many Thanks, Mrs Pugh.

Hi Everyone. The competition is as follows:
Can you create a new comic character/hero?
Draw the character, name and describe him/her/it.
Let your imagination go!!!!!
There will be 3 categories and the winner of each will appear in our next comic and will appear on the new Comic Blog.
Category 1: Nursery and Reception
Category 2: Years 1 - 3

Category 3: Years 4 - 6